素卤肉饭 Braised Spiced Meat & Egg Rice

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清水4碗、八角2粒、肉桂1支、生抽 3汤匙、黑酱油1汤匙、糖1汤匙
1. 镬内热4汤匙油,爆香姜末,加入香菇蒂丁、素鸡及调味料炒匀即可盛出备用。(图1-2)
1. 把所有卤汁材料煮至滚,加入香菇和油豆腐,盖上盖子,小火煮至汤汁大半收干。(图4)
2. 卤蛋制法:将现成的卤汁,加上适量酱油、麻油、盐和糖煲滚。
3. 将蛋与冷却后的卤汁放进冰箱腌过夜让它入味;切半盛上素卤肉饭上。

400g mock chicken, some chopped ginger, 8 pcs Chinese mushroom (soaked & diced the stem, mushroom keep whole), 2 block braised spiced tofu, 4 eggs (boiled and shelled)
【Vege stewing sauce Ingredients】
4 bowls water, 2 star anise, 1 stick cinnamon, 3 tbsp soy sauce, 1 tbsp dark soy sauce, 1
tbsp sugar
1 tbsp Vegetarian oyster sauce, 1 tsp five spice powder, 1 tsp soy sauce, 1 tsp dark soy
1. Heat up 4 tbsp oil in wok, sautéchopped ginger until fragrant, add in diced mushroom stem, mock chicken and seasoning, stir well and dish out. s (pic 1-2)
【To prepare vege stewing sauce】
1. Boil stewing ingredients in a sauce pot, add in tofu and muschroom, stew in medium heat until sauce thicken.(pic 3)
2. To make spiced egg: Bring the ready made spiced sauce to boil with soy sauce,
sesame oil, salt and sugar to taste.
3. Dip hardboil eggs in cooled stew sauce, keep in fridge overnight to infuse the flavour. Halve it to serve with braised spice mock meat and rice.